Post 1: A Country I would like to visit


I've always wanted to travel to Asia, specifically to Thailand, because is a country with a lot of beautiful places that I want to visit but my favorite destination is Krabi.

Krabi is a beach with crystal-clear waters located on southern Thailand’s west coast. I love the ocean and the quiet places, I think it´s perfect to have a break from all the chaos from Santiago also people say that Krabi has one of the best sunsets. I also want to go to Bangkok and visit some temples, learn about the culture and the food. The only thing I know about the country is what I've watched on TV, I love to watch TV programs about Chilean people living in differents countries.

I would like to visit Thailand only as a tourist, i don’t think I would like to study or live there, because I don’t know anything about their language or culture and it would be difficult to me.
